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White paper:

Engagement Management

Lessons Learned from the Consulting and Engineering Practices of HeleCloud
Engagement Management
The purpose of this whitepaper is to provide insight into Engagement Management best practices used by HeleCloud teams to successfully deliver Cloud Infrastructure Projects. The information is based on our best practices and experience from tens of successful engagements over the last two years. The paper provides an overview of 1) HeleCloud best practices for project roadmap and definition of phases and timelines of all expected deliverables; 2) Structure and responsibilities of HeleCloud stable teams; as well as 3) Project Management best practices derived from Scrum and Kanban Agile Methodologies allowing for efficient, dynamic and flexible delivery. Last, but not least, lessons learned, recommendations, and topics for further consideration are also shared with the reader.

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HeleCloud. Your Cloud competency partners.

Providing migration training, strategic consultancy and engineering, and AWS Cloud-based managed services, we can help transform your business environment. We take organisations on a complete journey into the Cloud environment - through from vision to implementation, we help you transition into the Cloud future.

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“HeleCloud have been a competent, flexible, and trusted partner to Viber, and we recommend their services to other organisations that are looking to raise the security bar for their Cloud systems.” 
- Amir Ish-Shalom, Viber Chief Architect
